sales enablement they actually use

93% NPS because geniechat is built seller first

The leanest and lightest sales field enablement app for network marketing companies who need an affordable, efficient, and simple tool that isn't a waste of money and time.

replace and save

geniechat replaces all of these apps for corporate

geniechat replaces all of these apps for sellers

co-built with direct sellers succeeding now

Geniechat was born from need and was created because the field begged for a better solution. After coaching thousands of direct sellers and working with multi-million dollar organization leaders, I built the sales enablement app they asked for.

true duplication

sellers need coaching,
not teaching

With all the tech we have forgotten that sellers don't need more learning modules. They need success and the quickest way to get them there is to coach them with prescriptive steps to take every single day, week, and month.

Geniechat does this with recurring task templates which is true duplication of action.

true duplication

replaces boards (but better)

The field has already adapted to using Boards. With Geniechat you get the content keyboard feature - but better.

Geniechat has global search, making it easy for new sellers to find the content they need without needing to know the file structure.

so easy gen x loves it
so effective millennials love it
so simple gen z loves it
so affordable corporate loves it

insanely fast & easy

Simple, transparent pricing. No contracts, setup fees, or minimums when no integrations chosen. Start in days, not weeks or months. No integrations or api's required.


100 - 500 active accounts
  • CRM
  • DESKTOP Web App


500 - 1,000 active accounts
$ 995 total PER month
  • Unlimited CRM
  • Unlimited TASK TEMPLATES
  • Unlimited AI
  • CUSTOMIZATION Options (see below)
  • DESKTOP Web App
  • Back Office Customer Data API
  • Back Office Distributor Login API


1,000+ Active accounts
CONTACT for pricing
  • Add On Integrations Available
  • Back Office Customer Data API
  • Back Office Distributor Login API

the future of direct sales depends on the basics

more conversations

Shiny tech syndrome has distracted sellers from focusing on the basics of network marketing. We are in the conversation business!

the geniechat solution

more personal service

Personalized service is the differentiator of our industry and AI chatbots simply can not deliver real human service.

the geniechat solution

more consistency

Guide focus with recurring daily tasks "DMO's" to help sellers stay focused on the actual steps to take to meet their goal.

the geniechat solution

built by a seller for a seller

Enabling sales through the next gen buyer funnel is no longer just text and email.  The sales field must be enabled to track relationships from TikTok, to think like a personal shopper, and to have the words to say in the moment it matters most.

Using my unique perspective of a 40-something female social selling entrepreneur who built 4 multi-million dollar businesses by reaching over 100 million people online, I built the holy grail seller app from the ground up to do just that!

Jessica Kane, Creator and CEO

when they use geniechat, they sell more

This SMB direct sales company replaced their enterprise mobile app fully with Geniechat.

They struggled with field engagement and tech adoption, while building for the field they want.

Active Field Size: 1,000+

Replaced: NOW Tech

Average Rep Age 49 yo

55 features comparison

crm built for social media relationships with linking to TikTok, IG, FB, X, LinkedIn, SMS, and Email how to
private note area for each contact how to
contact search and sort how to
contact fields include mailing address, country, birthday, Company how to
push notifications for follow-up reminders and ability to archive reminder when done how to
contact chat history showing which social network connected on and conversation notes
seamlessly integrate contact social media to instantly open and engage how to
create single and many-at-one-time recurring daily, weekly, or monthly followup reminders with social media profile auto-linked how to
tag contacts and set recurring reminders by tag (prospects, customers, etc) how to
unlimited customization with ability to tag contacts with any phrase or keyword, not just predefined options
import contacts from CSV file and mobile device
bulk create recurring reminders for many contacts at one time for a certain contact tag (ie “vip” or “host”) how to
ability to drag-and-drop merge duplicate contacts how to
archive folders to take them off mobile keyboard, and still keep folder active for any folder members how to
self-serve contact entry form which replaces a Google form to collect contact information, instant notification when a form is completed  how to
create unlimited folders of content
share folders of content with 1 or many Geniechat users how to
bulk upload many images at one time how to
upload PDFs and videos, one at a time how to
create unlimited text snippets of text verbiage including ability to copy/paste and use fancy text and emoji’s
drag and drop folders into folders to merge folder content how to
drag and drop ability to re-arrange folders which will also update order on the custom keyboard how to
geniechat snippet library keyboard to access and 1-tap paste content and links into any message on any platform how to 
folder color coding
global folder and snippet search in the app, on desktop, and on the keyboard how to
create and save messages created using the AI Message Generator directly into snippet folders
multiple collaborators allowed on a folder 
easy sharing of a folder of content with a link – shares all child folders in the main folder that is shared and know when someone joins the folder with ability to remove them
complimentary folder template for team content structure how to
pre-loaded universal conversation ice-breakers and followup prompts



task “quick add” with ability to create tasks fast in a click how to


organize personal tasks by categories as well as unlimited tags for easy search


attach up to 3 pieces of content or folders from the Geniechat Snippet Library to a a single task and a task in a recurring template


ability to assign a task to one or many Geniechat users


create recurring task templates that renew every day, week, or month


ability to share a recurring task template with 1 or many Geniechat users


easily manage members who have joined a recurring task template


share recurring task template with a Geniechat user via sharing a link






generate 5 options with one click (not just one) how to


tailored to create short and sweet messages with no awkward emojis


ability to edit 1 or all of the 5 responses before saving to snippet library


ability to save 1 or all responses to the snippet library including shared folders


folder members will receive notifications when new AI content is saved to a shared folder


the most simple AI interface with 1-level question and answer ability


easy sharing of a folder of content with a link – shares all child folders in the main folder that is shared


language preferences of English, French, and Spanish
theme color preferences of pink and muted grey-blue
user profile image
folder color-coding ability with choice of 8 colors
ability to add emojis to folder titles, snippet titles, and all snippets
Android and Apple mobile app synced with the desktop web app
free business management and sales efficiency trainings lead by Geniechat CEO for the field and teams



free workshop style trainings created and hosted by CEO Jessica Kane more info


modern training content for the current digital selling landscape including:
  • Sales efficiency
  • Followup with 20 people in 15 minutes
  • Authentic engagement
  • Content organization
  • Workflow efficiency


every user receives unlimited email support via ticket tracking system answered within 24 hours support desk


same day Company and leader support via WhatsApp


the seller's choice